Saturday, August 29, 2015

In Search of Progress

Dear Reader,

          In my first post I mentioned that I would be using this blog as a way of updating you on how I'm personally progressing toward my goals. I have a lot of goals and I'll probably come up with more later but for now there are three goals that I'm working toward accomplishing while I am in Germany.

     1. Inspiration
          While I am traveling and living in Europe I am hoping to find inspiration for two aspects of my life that are incredibly important to me.
          First, I hope to find inspiration for the next chapter in my life. I am not sure where I am supposed to go or what I am supposed to do beyond being a writer. And though this isn't a religious blog, I have a strong faith in a loving God, who I believe has a divine plan with infinite blessings in store for me. So given that this blog is all about me and my adventures I will talk about my spirituality from time to time. While I am traveling I am going to be doing everything I can to find out as much of this divine plan as I can. I'm going to be focusing a lot more on how I can make myself the type of person that I believe I am meant to be. And I am going to do that through my study of the scriptures and reflecting on this beautiful world that God created to try to find things that point to universal truths about life.
          Second, I hope to find inspiration for my writing. If that means I finish one of the novels I'm already working on or find a whole new story that is perfect for me to write, I don't really care. I have wanted to be an author for far too long and its high time I find my story. I will also be looking for inspiration for my blog posts. My new writing goal is really exciting for me because I plan to really accomplish something while I'm there. I'm searching for clarity and inspiration in my writing and in my life.
     2. Adventure
          I am obviously looking forward to all of the adventures I'm going to have while I'm in Germany and surrounding countries, but one thing I really want to work on while I'm there is learning not to allow fear to dictate what I do. When it comes to traveling I'm not too scared, but I'm afraid of just about everything else and I often let my fears override my desire to do fantastic things.  I struggle a lot with feelings of anxiety and inadequacy. I rarely enjoy social settings because I spend so much time worrying about doing something embarrassing and wondering what people are thinking of me. And yet I would really like to make friends. My goal is to learn how to be brave an never let fear stop me from accomplishing anything I want to do.
     3. Love
          No, I am not looking for romance. And I am certainly not looking for a man to "complete" me. That isn't what I mean by "love". Sorry if that disappoints you. My goal is to learn to have a more charitable and widespread love for all people and places. While in Germany I plan on really digging in deep to help others in ways that I know I can provide. I want to learn all about the culture, the places, and the people in Germany. I want to learn that love is not a weakness, that its sometimes okay to trust others with my heart. I want to make friends and build relationships, while learning what I can do to advocate to make society better as a whole. I'm looking for the kind of perfect love that brings peace and life into a world that is often dark and cruel. Who knows? Maybe I'll even find a love for Las Vegas while I'm at it.
          I believe that life is meant to be a constant progression. I don't think we are meant to sit still and stuck in our old ways. Life is about learning. I am letting go of things about myself that I would like to change, and learning to be the most perfect version of myself. I have spent my whole life dreaming of finding inspiration, going on adventures, and learning to love. It's time to make those dreams come true. I am wandering the world to become the person I've always dreamed of. Germany, I'm headed your way!

     Love Always,
          The Wanderess


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