Dear Reader,
You did read that title correctly. There is in fact a witch in my family. After lots of rumors surrounding who the witch might be I think it's time I finally acknowledge the truth. My mother is a witch. Some women would take being called a witch as a great insult, but in my home it is the highest of compliments that I could pay. My mother is not only a witch, she is the most powerful and most magical witch. She is The Witch. Don't believe me that my mother is a witch? Well I have proof.
The Queen of Clean, The Witch, and The Wanderess |
First is her natural ability to magically make things more beautiful. She can transform any room in any home into a more comfortable and beautiful space. For as long as I could remember I would watch my mom rearrange the furniture, change the decorations, and match colors in a way that most other people never could. She was born with an eye trained to find the potential of a space. She can take a dingy and messy room and with a little magic can transfigure it into a remarkable space.
Baby Wanderess, The Witch, and Baby Queen of Clean |
Long before she went to school to become an interior designer, I new that my mom was an artist. She built a bed for my brother. She painted the wall in the kitchen. She transformed every room in our home multiple times to make something greater every time. Home was always a place of progress and movement. There was always a flow to everything that made it magical. None of our rooms came out of a magazine page. They were lived in and lively and decorated to show the world who we are. When you walk into the front room of our house you are greeted with personality and warmth. It's a place that is as equally functional as it is lovely. You don't have to worry about sitting on the edge of your seat from fear of damaging the art like furniture. Walking into the any room you might be greeted with a wall of bookshelves covered in multicolored vintage books and knick-knacks, or a stone covered hearth with beneath a mantel who's contents are ever changing with the seasons. You might go into one bedroom and find that the bed is literally a barn and in the next room there are gem stones on the wall. I have never seen any one else manage to so perfectly capture the personalities of the family and display them so enchantingly.
My Coven (minus Angela who hadn't arrived yet) |
Next is her love of Halloween which is a staple holiday in the home of all magically inclined households. I have been told quite often in my life that I look like my mom, but that is not the only way that we are alike. I am lucky to have inherited a few of her witch-like attributes. One is our mutual love of Halloween. Every Halloween the things that witches have to hide behind closed doors the rest of the year are allowed to be put on display. Last year I was pretty lonely the last few days of October and my excitement for the grand holiday of Halloween was somewhat dead. To help me get my spirits up, my mother organized a witches tea and invited all of my favorite magical guests to attend. My whole coven was there: my aunt and cousin, my fairy godmother and her daughters, the Queen of Clean, and best friend Angela. Not only was I able to get excited about Halloween again, but being surrounded by all of those people that I love reminded me that I wasn't really alone. The food was amazing, the tea was perfect and the company was everything that I needed. She gave me a reason to get up and get dressed. She didn't let me wallow in my loneliness or abandon me in my time of need. She used what she does best to make my life a little better. She didn't only save Halloween, she set an example to me of what real magic and love look like. This Halloween there is no one I will be missing more than my mom, but I will take from what she taught me and make my own Halloween abroad. No one should be sad on Halloween, because this is the holiday of real magic (with a dash of mischief and mayhem).
The Witch with her sisters and mother |
Then there's the fact that she's come from two long lines of witches and wizards. She is the eldest daughter in her family (just like me), which makes her the head of her family's coven. Ask her siblings, she is bossy and sometimes quick to anger, but she is also the best person to turn to for sage wisdom and protection. She is always willing to advise her siblings when they need help with anything, and she has good advise because she has done it all first. She was a grown up first, a wife first, and a mom first. She paved the way in her family and taught me how to do the same. With her advise her siblings have a wealth of knowledge at their disposal and they've used it to become more powerful witches and wizards themselves. I'd be lucky to become half the person that one of my aunts and uncles are.
The Witch with her Nephew |
She teaches by example and by a willingness to share and advise as the many generations before her did and how I hope to be able to as well. She also protects her family (her younger siblings and her children) and she always has. Nothing angers her more than someone treating her family poorly. In fact I doubt anyone who has would dare lay a finger on her family would find themselves unable to tell the tale after she decided to let them live. I know with my mom that I can always turn to her when I need advise or protection, because there's no one more capable than The Witch.
The Witch with her witchy sisters |
If you still don't believe that my mother is The Witch than you only have to examine this last fact. Yesterday was my mother's 30th birthday. My mother had me when she was in her early 20s and I am now 21. I am not fantastic at math, but I'm pretty sure the only way that my mother is still 30 has to be by magic.
Love Always,
The Wanderess